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We Support Families—from Recruitment to Adoption


My family and I want to 
foster or adopt a child.

Recruitment Agencies

Our agency recruits prospective foster and adopting families.

Child Placement Agencies

Our agency caseworkers place children with families.

Licensing Agencies

Our licensing group approves interested families.

“We use compassion-driven technology to simplify work for agencies and promote expedited, stable child placement.”

—Thea Ramirez, Founder, Adoption-Share’s Family-Match Program

Family-Match bridges the divide between recruitment + placement—for improved, accelerated matching of children with prospective families.

Meet Here

Family-Match serves as one platform where all parties can easily connect.

The Best Fit

Streamlining the process is our focus—speeding up family-child matches.

We make connections—fast.

Family-Match is bringing groundbreaking innovation to an institution that has not seen significant change for over two centuries. Using compassion-driven technology focused on the family first, families are now finding their forever match sooner and easier with our free Family-Match service.

Our groundbreaking approach works.


Take action to advance the journey—connecting families and children, joining heart with heart. You can make that happen by advocating for those who’ve lost hope and becoming a part of the most powerful adoption platform available today.