Compatible matches. Successful placements. Happy families.
Read about the journeys of families, agencies, and recruitment workers who’ve experienced efficiency and success with the Family-Match platform. Our groundbreaking approach works.

Family Case Study
Trish and Steve Williams always knew they wanted to adopt. Their desire to expand their family and be obedient to a call they felt God had put on their hearts enabled them to take the first steps to begin the application process. But after being home study approved, Trish and Steve’s excitement turned to dismay as inquiry after inquiry through child marketing sites produced zero responses.
After exploring over 186 children waiting to be adopted, this family was close to giving up their dream. Fortunately, the Williams’ discovered Family-Match, created a profile, and completed their compatibility assessments. Within two business days, Trish and Steve received a call that would change their lives: a social worker two hours away had a sibling set of four that needed an adoptive family, and Trish and Steve showed up on their Family-Match account as being a compatible match.
With the success of their first adoption of four siblings, the same agency used Family-Match to match the Williams again, this time with a 12-year-old boy whom they also adopted. Today, the family that almost gave up has adopted an additional sibling set of five children—a placement that culminated in a finalized adoption, completing their family of 14.

“It’s crazy to think that the whole time we were waiting to be matched and were reaching out to workers to inquire on over 186 children, my kids had been right there- just two hours away- waiting to be connected to us. Family-Match made that possible and we are so grateful.”
Trish Williams

Recruitment Agency Case Study
The NOMORE Foundation is a nonprofit organization that exists to connect people to care for the vulnerable individuals in our world. The organization brings people close to the need and mobilizes them to bring hope to the most vulnerable.
NOMORE used Family-Match’s Recruitment Portal to track family engagement after foster and adoption awareness events in June and November of 2020.
NOMORE invests considerable time and resources into significant events designed to mobilize people to engage in the foster and adoption space. A pain point the organization reported was the lack of a reliable tool to track individuals’ engagement after an event had ended.
Through Family-Match’s Faster Families Portal, NOMORE can now direct families interested in foster care or adoption to proceed through a customized pre-application process where NOMORE can then track a family’s progress from event attendance to adoption.
Since they have started to utilize their personalized recruitment tool, 79 families have started the pre-application process. NOMORE can also track the success of these families as they continue their journey to agency onboarding, becoming licensed, and adopting a child.

Licensing Agency Case Study
Children’s Home Society is a nonprofit agency contracted to provide training for families interested in adopting children from the foster care system.
Over the years, Children’s Home Society had developed processes to screen and educate families before beginning training and a home study. These processes were effective, but were time- and resource-intensive. A staff person’s resignation in February 2020 left the agency short-staffed and looking to hire. In March 2020, the global pandemic made filling the position and continuing their processes nearly impossible.
By directing families to their Recruitment Portal, Children’s Home Society was able to streamline the process. Families were able to complete the initial inquiry at their own pace, and staff were able to have an idea of the family’s interest and capacity before having the initial discussion. The agency was able to keep their recruitment process going, despite being down staff and dealing with a global pandemic!

“Family-Match assists our adoption team with locating genuine, quality families for our children in need of permanence.”

Child Placement Agency Case Study
FamiliesFirst Network is a community-based care provider contracted by the Department of Children and Families in the state of Florida. As a lead agency, FFN is responsible to manage hundreds of children in the foster care system. A subset of these children have a goal of adoption, a termination of parental rights, and no identified family to adopt them. FamiliesFirst Network is using Family-Match to more efficiently and appropriately match waiting children with waiting families.
Prior to using Family-Match, FamiliesFirst Network relied on families reviewing pictures of children eligible for adoption. Families were expected to contact the agency to inquire about children that seemed like a good fit based on photographs of the child and a brief biography describing the child’s temperament, likes, and interests.
The agency reported that this technique, while at times generating many inquiries from hopeful adoptive families, resulted in agency staff reviewing dozens of home studies, ultimately selecting the family they believed would be the best fit. Agency staff reported that this method was inefficient and made it difficult to move “high-utilizing” children into permanency through adoption.
With Family-Match, FFN was able to “flip the script” and equip placement workers (rather than families) to make the first move, contacting a family and leveraging the relational fit score to establish strengths before identifying the areas where the child would need the greatest support. In the first 2.5 years using Family-Match, FFN made over 225 matches and finalized over 80 adoptions.